Thursday, November 10, 2011

Pilihan Raya: Kita Mengundi, Mereka Beraya

Parti Lembu Gondol (PLG)

Parti Gajah Bunting (PGB)

Parti Liar (PL)

Parti Pempuan Puaka (PPP)

Parti Bangang Abadi (PBA)


Ayeem Jemain said...

parti bangang abadi = PGA, bukan PBA eh?

Nursya Mohamed Hariri said...


Baiz Mamat said...

hakhak lawak-lawak..bagus betul yang last tu..jujur giler..walaupun nampak macam main2 tapi banyak maksud tersirat tu :)

Yuyu said...

boooo paiz boooo!!!

eh silap.

NZ Diaz said...

haremmm, memang takde janji..

sarcasm yang sangat baik!

Jom Makan said...

Hakhak..lwak..thumbs up..

Sya said...

hakhak boleh plak cmtu.. :p

mikeyvio said...

hahahahha...yg last 2 yg xley blah. hahaha

siti zarizza said...

ape motif beb ! haha

NIJ said...

sanagt sengal la si tapit ni.

hamzah ian said...

fakiu bitch

abyahuys said...

oke. kau mmg hebat ;)

Anonymous said...

Parti Tupperware???
Dlm politik Malaysia susah nak jumpa yg jujur. Bila dah jumpa, bangang pun diterima.kah kah kah

aimanayie said...


budaksetan said...


Lily RIna said...

Setuju sgt2. Ada maksud tersirat dlm komik ni

Dhiya Fariza said...

KAHKAHKAHKAH sengal gila.

tubelawak said...

good good.. tulih politik plak lepaih ni

Puteri Iqa Izyan said...


Anonymous said...

hahahaha...nk jujur pn bia betempat..
apa bangang nye nk undi parti tu???kalau cmtu,org2 yg undi pn turut bangang la yep?
hahahaha..u made my day lar...
ai lep yuh ! ;)

zara ibrahim said... bangang je..

Anonymous said...

hidup PBA !

Anonymous said...

hidup PBA !

wannurfazrini said...

aku sokong PBA hahaha

una said...

haha ! im officially 21 ! so, benda ni membantu glaa ! hahahahah

Anonymous said...

hidup PBA! hidup PBA! kahkahkah! bangang ah ko

MellProps said...

yaaaa..itu yang kita cari..


aida said...

hai. aku datang sini sebab nak kasi adik aku main dgn jongos--->

Abang Skema said...


Anonymous said...

erkkk??? adehhh

Unknown said...

hahaha yang last gak diaorang nak undi! boooooooo!

RinsyaRyc said...

wahaha.. kan maen lagi.. >_<


ewanthology said...

ayat ayat manis..ahakss

Dale said...

straight to the point. bagus

safiah sokher said...

Haha.Tak amek port.:p

cik mate sepet said...

lepas je dftr sbgai pengundi nnti, trus je aku nk undi PBA...hahaa

anGah said...

wakakalala... pasti puaka.. haha said...

betol. realiti politik kufur

aliza said...

yupp tu la dunia politik kotor mesia masa nie...hidup mesia tanpa janji kosong said...


Nyamuk Terbang said...

undi la pait

Towkey gambo said...

undilah parti bangang abadi

iqbalhakimi said...

yang last skali tu mesti ko jadi calon kan?..haha

alepridz said...

yg 1st tu best pe leh suruh dier cuci BERAK aku... hahaha

The day we meet said...

haha..mcm2 la ko ni faiz!
btw..ada mksud tersirat tuh!hehe

Syafiq Salim said...

wtf... menTETEKberatkkan ???

cg4dis said...


Ibu Aqmar said...

adeh....tak tau nak gelak kat mana..huhu :P

Anonymous said...

aku skong ape bnde yg ko nk smpaikan..

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Unknown said...


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Anonymous said...

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Ciklong said...

saya paling suka part yang last sekali. part yg paling jujur. agak2 ada tak orang berkempen nak cakap cam tu? hehe

Nizam Ijam said...

haha.. xleh bla..haha

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Ked said...

undilah parti abby silap, bangang abadi..

bluecakes said...

LOLOLOL jujur gile. aku pon dah conpius nak undi yg mana xD

model pakaian muslim wanita said...

wow great post thanks.

amirmukhrz said...

haqha....ini lah die keburukan demokrasi...yg selalu dipertuhankan oleh banyak ahli politik...uit apsal ayat aku pon jd skema ni???

rara aziz said...

woi tolonglah update yg laennnnn. aku boring dah takde bende nk bace nehhh!

Norazlin Nordin said...

hakikatnya memang macam tu.

Ritz said...

terbaik, tgh guling2 atas lantai

Mazni said...

Hahaha, boleh pulak kan jd mcm tu. haha

faqihahhusni said...

BOOOO TAPITT! hahahahahhahaha. - under age -

Anonymous said...

I'm waiting in support of the ending of Euro 2012. All spoke about Ukraine - a be!

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